How to email Gary Lauder...


The best way to contact me is via email, but if I simply put the address here, it will be collected via spammers' spiders, so you have to figure it out from the following: my first name @ this website's domain name.


I am usually deluged with excessive e-mail, so if I have not responded to your e-mail within a week (or less if it's time-sensitive), please ping me again (and refer to the first e-mail). Please do not take offense at my not responding since I will try to give everybody some kind of response (except for the rare event of being flamed by large quantities of people who may have misunderstood something I said publicly). Although I do have a SPAM filter, some gets through, so I rely on my own pattern recognition as well. Here's how to not look like Spam:

  1. Configure your mail client to send your real name, not just your first name and not just your e-mail address. Your name should have proper capitalization.
  2. The subject line should be descriptive and non-spamish, particularly if I am not likely to recognize your name. Short subjects like "Introduction" may not get your e-mail read, but "Introduction from [name of mutual friend]" would. Again, proper capitalization helps.


How to Turn Off Winmail.Dat Attachments

By: Chris Vasquez

Ever wonder where WINMAIL.DAT attachments come from? It's a Microsoft Exchange "feature". Since Exchange supports rich-text email (bold, italic, multiple fonts, etc.), and Internet email doesn't, any email sent from Exchange to a non-Exchange mail reader will contain an Attachment called WINMAIL.DAT. If you use Exchange, you won't see this file, and the message will retain its formatting. However, it can be confusing for those who don't use Exchange (You, I, and the majority of the Internet population), and have no use for this file.

In MS Outlook and Outlook Express:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Mail Format (or "Send") tab.
  2. Under the Send tab is the message format list, select Plain Text or HTML(NOT Rich Text Format), and then click OK.
That is all there is to it!